Talk about sand dough

Many of us often don’t even realize that cookies have their own unique history, going back decades or even centuries. But there is still no unambiguous theory of the origin of cookies. According to some scientists, cookies appeared almost simultaneously with the appearance of the first bread, about 10,000 years ago. According to another theory, the history of cookies dates back to the 7th century B.C., when sugar cookies began to be made in Persia. In general, according to chronicles, Persia of those times was famous for its cakes and luxurious taste of cookies, which were made of rice flour. Some historians claim on the contrary, that allegedly flour confectionery began in Europe, and cookies were already prepared from wheat flour. But it’s more likely that cookies came to Europe around the 14th century AD. This is due to the frequent wars with the Ottoman Empire. Later cookies became an indispensable companion of seafarers: they had the property of not getting stale for a long time. Time passed, and the cookies tightly entered the household. In the new article we will talk about the ways of making sand dough and share our secrets.

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