Milk fat replacers for milk-containing products
Scope of application
Used for partial or complete replacement of milk fat in spreads (cream-vegetable, vegetable-cream, vegetable-fat), milk-containing products with milk fat replacers: cheese (hard, semi-hard, soft, brine) and processed cheese (sliced, smoked, sausage), pasty products with various fillers, sour cream, cottage cheese, glazed curds and desserts, fermented products and pasteurized drinks, cottage cheese creams; milk-containing preserves with milk fat replacers, powdered or condensed, ice cream with milk fat replacers. Can be used in the confectionery industry.
Functional properties
• Most closely resemble milk fat in terms of sensory parameters, physical, chemical and texture properties. • Organically combine with natural raw material and components used.
• Have a non-specific taste and smell helping form the desired taste of the dairy product.
• High oxidation stability ensures a long shelf life.
• Have a balanced fatty acid composition. Essential fatty acids content increases the physiological value of finished products.
• Highly pliable and thermally stable.
• Contain a specially selected emulsifier complex
allowing to get the desired texture of the product.
• Free of genetically modified sources (GMS).
Application features
SOLPRO milk fat replacers make it possible to effectively manage the product quality while compensating for the natural seasonal variations of milk raw materials while optimizing cost. Milk fat replacers are easy to use, can improve nutritional properties of the finished product (no cholesterol or trans isomers of fatty acids) and can be combined with animal fat, a source of milk raw materials.
Заменитель молочного жира нелауринового типа, полученный методом переэтерификации. Имеет сбалансированный жирнокислотный состав. Производится с добавлением эмульгаторов, красителя, что помогает использовать имеющиеся на предприятии технологии без изменений. Применяется преимущественно при производстве спредов, молокосодержащих продуктов с заменителем молочного жира, изготовленных по технологии сыра и других молочных продуктов. Может применяться в кондитерской промышленности. Спред, полученный с использованием данного ЗМЖ, имеет пластичную консистенцию при низких температурах, хорошую термоустойчивость, высокую скорость кристаллизации.
Non-lauric milk fat replacer with a balanced fatty acid composition. Contains emulsifiers; free of coloring agents. Used mainly in milk-containing products with milk fat replacer: sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, processed cheese and other products.
33717 (33724)
Non-lauric milk fat replacers. All-purpose. Widely recognized in manufacturing of spreads, milk-containing products with milk fat replacers: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, processed cheese, milk-containing preserves. Provide the desired texture for products. Spreads based on these milk fat replacers have a pliable texture, good thermal stability, and high crystallization rate.
This milk fat replacer contains lauric fat. The fat composition has the optimal liquid to solid oils ratio. Contains emulsifiers; free of coloring agents. Used in milk-containing products with milk fat replacer: sour cream, cottage cheese,
Recommendations for use
• The fat melting temperature should not exceed 65 °C.
• Fats should not be stored for more than 12 hours in the molten state.
• The recommended emulsification temperature is 55 °C – 65 °C.
• When manufacturing milk products, an emulsion can be obtained in two ways—by adding the milk phase to the melted fat or adding fat to the milk phase while stirring with a disperser or centrifugal pump.
• In spread manufacturing, the optimum temperature for the emulsion to be injected into the butter worker is 55 °С – 65 °С.
• At the emulsification stage, the temperature difference between the fat and water-milk phases shall not exceed 5 °C.