RUSAGRO experts will speak at the annual conference ‘Confectionery Industry’

We are happy to share good news! There are only a few days left before the start of the sixth conference ‘Confectionery Industry. Flour and Sugar Products. Sweet Snacks’.

Our experts could not miss this event! Mikhail Rybin, RUSAGRO’s after-sale support engineer, will speak at the conference along with other industry experts and talk in detail about the new SOLPRO non-lauric fats for sugary confectionery products. The event will take place on August 3-4 in St. Petersburg. During the conference, participants will discuss the main trends for the upcoming season:

  1. natural ingredients;
  2. specialty confectionery products for different categories of consumers;
  3. packaging and design.

Domestic retail leaders, X5 Group, Magnit and VkusVill, have already confirmed their attendance. Other popular Russian companies, Chernogolovka, Lyubimy Krai, Macaronika and others, will also take part in the event. Welcome to St. Petersburg.

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