PISCHEVKA3D: OKTOBERFEST. September 21-22, 2023

Friends, colleagues, partners! We invite you to the industry’s largest conference for bakers and confectioners – PISCHEVKA3D: OKTOBERFEST, to be held in Sochi for the 9th time. Its topic is ‘Artisan Bread and Confectionery: From Bakery to Bakery Plant’. This exciting event is supported by the brands of fats and margarines for food industry, RUSAGRO – SOLPRO and GRANDPRO. It will bring together bakers who bake and sell bread, plants, manufactories and chains that produce artisan bread in large quantities. Let us talk about production and sales technology, as well as conceptual and regulatory issues. The attendees will discuss the role of chain retail and frozen goods in the segment development. ​ The conference offers ample networking opportunities. For our partners, PISCHEVKA3D is a great way to communicate with people who actually make decisions. Do not miss the chance to feel and understand how the industry lives, to find trends and discover insights. Welcome!

PISCHEVKA3D: Bogatyr Castle Hotel, Sochi, September 21-22, 2023..

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