New opportunities for everyone!

Our lives are changing lightning fast. So we have to change themselves to discover new opportunities. We have to become more dynamic, discerning and proactive. There are business opportunities presented to everyone. The key goal is to find new suppliers that can deliver alternatives to the familiar ingredients and products.

In the time of supply shortages caused by foreign companies leaving the market and by abrupt supply chain disruptions that mainly affected the food industry, the industry information channels in Russia acted in so as to make the industry adapt to the new reality in the shortest possible time.

RUSAGRO supports all the initiatives by our partners and event organizers, focused on awareness and stabilizing the situation. We publish links to new resources promoting lists of Russian producers supplying farming and food industry. That information would be the most topical for those who are looking for suppliers of raw materials, animal feed, equipment or ingredients that could deliver their products domestically in the context of import substitution.

Those platforms bring professionals together to support the industry.

The lists have the names of manufacturers looking for partnership, their business and contact details.

They are updated all the time, so if your company is ready to do business with partners from Russia or Belarus and if you are a supplier or a manufacturer, you can make yourself known by following this link:



The lists are updated daily.

On top of that, let us introduce you to interesting and useful Telegram resources set up by our partners Vatel Consulting. It gives you a chance to talk to your industry partners, share the latest news, ask for advice on one issue or another out of those arising lately.

Do not forget to subscribe to our Telegram and VKontakte channels where we’re sharing SOLPRO brand news.


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