An OmniLine project wins an award in RUSAGRO GROUP project competition

The award went to the Fats for Food Industry Division project called Implementation of a CRM system as a Tool for Improving Sales Performance. It took second place in RUSAGRO GROUP project competition for 2021, only ceding the top spot to the Primorye meat cluster construction project. Accenture Consulting Company* was the strategy and methodology partner for the project.

RUSAGRO GROUP is Russia’s largest agricultural holding company. The Group is a market leader in sugar, pork, crop, oils and fats production. The land bank of the Group is 637,000 hectares. In 2015 a number of investment banks recognized RUSAGRO Group as one of the most profitable and fastest growing consumer goods companies in the CIS.

About the project

Production and sales of fats for food industry are one of the key areas of RUSAGRO oil&fats business. The Division’s sales department has over 5,000 B2B clients requiring dozens of transactions daily.

Before the project was implemented, the department managers had to make every shipment decision hands-on. A manager had to account for different client categories, the complicated sales policy system and production limitations. They had to get all the required data: who to sell to, at which conditions and in what amount, from different sources.

Considering the number of clients, problems were inevitable. The objective was to create an automated system that would generate the best result at any moment in time, taking into account all the factors there are.

Together with OmniLine, they implemented a low-code platform solution that automatically chooses the best deals for the company and creates a business datasheet for each, while following the production load conditions and shipment priority requirements for all clients.

In the end, a manager gets a specific objective: who to sell a specified amount of products, and at which conditions, instead of making that decision on their own.

Using a low-code platform solution enabled us to break down the project implementation into three stages. The first stage is already complete. Thanks to the platform, we’re already able to use the new solution in practice and get real business advantages from it in just a few months. The new CRM system improved the sales performance dramatically. Its importance for the company is comparable to a new production site being built.

“CRM system implementation is part of our big digital transformation effort currently underway at the Fats for Food Industry Division,” says Sergei Kuzin, the CRM implementation project manager. “That’s going to enable our oil&fats business to create a new motivation system for distributors, focused on growing sales to small and medium businesses, be proactive in developing key clients and partners, plan and effectively implement product sale, including focus sales and brand promotion campaigns. Our end goal is ambitious: we want to become a client service leader and the most profitable company in the food industry.

Project implementation results

80 persons involved

580 business datasheets for clients and over 60 contracts for 2022 signed in December 2021

27 seconds: time to create a business datasheet

Price list compilation rate grew 1.5 times

Client request processing time decreased by 50%

The number of requests grew 15%

“One of the reasons for the project’s success is that RUSAGRO decided to forego standard out-of-the-box solution and integrate our strategic vision and quality criteria for handling the client base into the system functionality. Our company developed unique value propositions and personalized services for our clients and partners: that functionality is what enables us to qualitatively re-evaluate our operational methods and offer our clients what they really need,” says Kirill Malyshev, project manager, Accenture.

RUSAGRO ambitions are in line with our mission. We help our clients become market leaders by improving their client communications and making their business processes more efficient,” points out Alexander Rudnev, OmniLine managing partner. “There are a lot of projects for large companies in our portfolio. We know how challenging it can be to realize new ideas and implement solutions in multi-structure corporations. The project by RUSAGRO GROUP oil&fats business, Fats for Food Industry Division, was a nice surprise for us because of its flexibility, the team’s readiness for change and, of course, because of the results we could achieve in the very first months of our work with the new CRM system. It’s one of our best projects if we talk about how its execution has been organized. Quality management enabled us to get quick results and involve the personnel as much as possible. In turn, we were able to thoroughly fulfill our obligations concerning business process automation and implement the technical integration systems. Our thanks go to the customer for organizing the process impeccably!

*The business was handed over to the Russian government on April 1.

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